nätneutralitet USA yttrandefrihet

USA tar bort regler om nätneutralitet till bibliotekens förskräckelse

USA:s kommunikationsmyndighet FCC har röstat för att ta bort den så kallade nätneutraliteten. Beslutet väcker protester, inte minst bland landets bibliotek.

Nätneutralitet av EFF-Graphics [CC BY 3.0]
Reglerna kring nätneutralitet har hindrat bredbandsleverantörer från att exempelvis blockera hemsidor eller premiera en viss typ av material. När Donald Trump blev president tillsatte han ny chef över myndigheten FCC som bestämmer över reglerna – och frågan om att plocka bort reglerna om nätneutralitet hamnade tidigt på agendan.

Det här är en allvarlig fråga som i högsta grad bör engagera biblioteken. New Yorks folkbibliotek gjorde också ett starkt ställningstagande innan FCC röstade i frågan:

Since their inception, public libraries have fought to ensure that all people — regardless of their background or beliefs — have access to knowledge, education, and opportunity. That noble mission hasn’t changed, even as technology has. In addition to books and other materials, public libraries in every community in our great country are providing access to the computer and the internet, technology training classes, tablets, laptops, and more, offering everyone the tools they need to improve their lives, strengthen their communities, and succeed. Libraries are at the foundation of the American dream. The recent proposal by the Federal Communications Commission to abandon current net neutrality rules stands in direct opposition to this vital work. The proposal essentially gives broadband providers financial incentive to govern the openness of the internet, paving the way for models in which consumers pay for priority access, and those who can’t pay are limited to a “slow lane.”

Without the current protections, the already yawning digital divide will be widened. We know in New York City, millions of families cannot afford broadband access at home. These families are in our branches, borrowing Wi-Fi hot spots, or using our public computers to do homework, pay bills, apply for jobs, or communicate with relatives. For these New Yorkers, the 216 library branches across the city are their only option for access to technology. For the FCC to place internet access — something that in today’s world is a necessity, not a luxury — even further out of reach is appalling.

Även i EU finns regler som ska garantera nätneutraliteten. Men frågan är nu om man nu kommer väcka debatten om nätneutralitet även här?


USA tar bort nätneutraliteten på internet

New York Public Libraries: the proposal to kill net neutrality is ‘appalling’

What public libraries will lose without net neutrality

USA:s bibliotekarier tar ställning mot Trump

Tobias Willstedt

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